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Wednesday 6 January 2010

So I've been thinking...

For anybody who knows me quite well, the title of this first blog won't be much of a surprise. I think a lot...in fact over-think a lot! I'm weird like that. For me though, thinking isn't enough. I like to talk. I'll meet with friends for coffee and talk about what I've been doing and what I've been reading, and we'll sit for hours discussing the implications of what Don's said in his latest book, and the song we heard that day. Its great. Unfortunately I don't get to do this as often as I would like so I decided to start blogging.

It took me a while to come round to the idea. It popped into my head and I thought about it for a while and thought, "who would possibly want to read what I think, or who even cares for that matter?"

A few friends of mine recently starting blogging however, and I thought, it is a great idea, why not? But that niggling feeling kept coming back. The turning point however was in Starbucks one day, performing my daily duties as coffee monkey. A girl I know called Ruth came in and I was chatting to her for a while (not slacking off work of course...kinda). I don't remember how it came up, but I mentioned that I might start blogging, just putting down a few thoughts. She told me enthusiastically how she thought it was great idea, and I definitely should. I went on to explain to her how nobody wants to read about me, or my thoughts, and how I'm lazy anyway, and would probably never bother. She replied by saying "just do it when you can, once a month or something, and don't do it for anyone else, do it for you!" So I decided to go for it! Thanks Ruth!

One of my friends who has started blogging by the way is Chris McCune

One of his first blogs was even about me, and his stuff's great so check that out!

Anyway...feel free to read along as I write down some random thoughts and ideas, and feel free to leave comments or discuss something with me, I'd like that.

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