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Wednesday 6 January 2010

Creating a good story...

So recently I've been reading a new book called 'A Million Miles in a Thousand Years' by a guy called Donald Miller. He's a genius I think. I love the way he writes. There's something beautiful about his writing. It manages to be incredibly simple (for the intellectually challenged like myself) and yet what he says is often so profound. I find myself thinking; "oh yeah, I never really thought of it that way before" on so many occassions.

His new book talks about the journey he went on taking one of his other books, 'Blue Like Jazz' and editing the stories to make them movie friendly, and the lessons he learned whilst doing this. One of the main things he talks about is story. What makes a good story, and why the good stories stick in our heads and make us happy.

I've been obsessed with story metaphor recently. I find that in many conversations I find myself talking about the 'characters' and creating 'inciting incidents.' I do this a lot. I get this idea stuck in my head and I play it over and over until everybody eventually gets bored of listening to me. I'm a stuck record really.

I don't like my story much. It's pretty boring. I found myself asking the hard question, if my life was a movie, would I get bored watching it, and what would I think of the main character, and I didn't like the answer very much...

The main character in my story is selfish. He thinks too much about himself, and not enough about others. All the other characters only play bit parts, and when they turn up in scenes, he gets worried that they will get in the way and ruin his story. Not only that, but not much happens in my story. I go to work, I go to uni, I come home and don't do very much.

This is why I've decided I want my story to be a better one. I've decided to create more inciting incidents.

In church on Sunday, Craig talked about having high expectations for the new year. I took this personally and decided to create my first inciting incident yesterday. Chris explains it much better than me, so I'll let him tell the story;

"My mate Richie works in the one i go to. The conversations we've had are flippin off the wall sometimes, just discussin our faith, our hope our dreams, we dare to dream out loud and express our fears and failures and hope that God stil loves us and will continue to change us, and He will and that's a good thing. But Richie, well he's a legend, a good guy, likeable, fun, a bit like myself but not as awesome, he's younger tho so he could use that excuse...

I bring the richmeister up because yesterday while i was sippin my Christmas blend, he came over and asked me a question with a big grin on his face: " see that cute girl over there? i know she's a Christian, should i go over and give her my number?" I laughed and started grinning and just said, "live the story man". "yeah, that's what i was thinkin', i'm doin it".
He did it. He actually did it the crazy cat! He was terrified but he realised he wanted to live a better story than the one he was livin', that he wanted to have some pretty sweet memories, so he did it!"


Thanks Chris.

I don't know if it was a smart move, to be honest, but I took a risk! I asked a girl to go for coffee...kinda. If she wants to she can call me, if she doesn't, then what have I lost?

I think from now on I'm gonna cause lots more inciting incidents. I want to live, I want my story to be memorable, and if I ever have to watch it, I don't wanna fall asleep. The character in my story went from being a gutless wimp, wishing he could ask that girl, but never doing anything about it to the guy who takes action. And sure he's gonna fall flat on his face plenty of times, but at least he's gonna try, and it will be worth watching!


  1. Richie you're on a roll with this blog....2 in one night! One piece of advice that I have kept with me for years was 'go get good stories'. I don't want to spend my Christian walk simply telling other people's stories. As awesome and powerful as they are...I'm not it them and I used to think that was a selfish thought but the bottom line is, we're trying to bring God's kingdom to earth and God WANTS to use us. I think we just need to simply ask Him for them.

    So thats my prayer for you Richie, that you keep asking God for eyes to see and ears to hear, that he'll put you in the right place and the right time to impact people's lives and that includes words of encouragement, prophetic stuff God wants spoken into people's lives, healing, all of the things God wants us to be part of! So ask for stories and exciting things, I'll do the same and we'll catch up with them in Detroit!!lol

  2. Thanks Betty

    I love that you are my first comment!! And a great one at that! I know that God wants me to live a good story, and better that he has one for me if I just accept it, the same goes for you! Its an awesome thought and I hope that I am able to live in that knowledge!
