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Friday 5 February 2010


Words are funny.

How we use them can make people laugh, or cry. They can make people happy or sad. And the same words never mean the same thing to different people. Take the word 'Christian' for example. That word can evoke many different responses from many different people. For one person it is something beautiful and positive, it is something that produces hope. For another it is negative, and can be connected to much hurt and anger.

I can be a bit obsessive when it comes to words. Some people call me pedantic, but I just think words are really powerful, and a simple phrase that comes out wrong, or is misinterpreted can have massive implications. This is why I love semantics. Its why I often correct people when their choice of word is bad (although that in itself can be a bad choice of words!)

The Bible has something to say about this. James talks about words and how powerful they can be;

'But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire.'
James 3v5-6

I have a bit of a problem when it comes to words. I don't think before I speak. Quite often I open my mouth and find myself regretting what I say before the words even reach the ears of the listeners. Even as I started writing this (in a car with some friends on the way to Donegal), I made a rather inappropriate joke, then looked at my computer screen and thought 'crap.' I give people a bad opinion of me, because the first impressions I give are quite often not too good because of my case of foot-in-mouth syndrome.

I need to change how I speak. I need to think before I speak.

Words can be used to build up, or knock down. I think its amazing what a difference words can make. A child who is told from a young age that they will never amount to anything, probably never will according to psychologists.

I found out recently how this works. I love football, and while I’m not very good, I play quite often and have a great time. I play with a lot of friends, and quite a lot of them used to spend a lot of time telling me how bad I was. This had an awful affect on my confidence. I remember one game in particular I played for 90 mins and did nothing. I didn’t want the ball because I thought if I got it I would just lose it.

I started playing for another team recently, and my coach Tommy made sure from the very start that I knew that he thought I was a good player. He spent a lot of time encouraging me, and it showed in my games. When I started to believe I was good enough, I wanted the ball more, and when I got it, I didn’t rush to get rid of it so quickly. I’m no Wayne Rooney, but I played pretty well.

How we talk to people can make a big impact on them, even if you think it’s only meant to be a bit of craic.

‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.’


Words do hurt, and used in the right way can be a very powerful tool for building people up. I’m gonna try to use words more positively. It will take time, but I’m working on it because I believe words matter. God gives us words to build people up, not to put them down, so let's be careful how we use them, and use God's words to encourage and to speak into peoples lives.


  1. Nice! Jesus is pretty clear about this stuff. Thumper had it right though..'if you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all'. Our words are meant to build people up, encourage them. Anything else, we need to throw it away. Its hard to do coz I speak my mind a lot and need to seek Gods wisdom and know when to shut up.

    So..when Paul asked you to be best man, you obviously didn't think and just blurted out 'yes'...now you're stuck with that impetuous answer. Bad times...lol

    Take care man and see you soon ; )

  2. BAAAMM! You defo know your words! Hehe..
    Geepers! Your deep! That just about hit the spot :)
    I think I must've Hi5 the screen a few too many times.....
